Last Saturday May 28th we had a fundraiser yard sale. As we had planned this event over two weeks in advance, we had no idea how moody the weather would be. The morning started off nice, but not an hour into set-up did the weather gods decide it was time to play some tricks! We were gifted by on and off rain for the rest of the day. HOWEVER our lovely customers were troopers! They came out to support us anyway! And although by the end of the day we ( and all our leftover stuff) were sopping, we came through with HUGE SUCCESS. We made over 400$. :) :) THANK YOU to everyone who donated their "junk" (ie. treasures) and to everyone who came out regardless of the weather to support us!

THIS SATURDAY JUNE 4TH, we will be having another garage sale, to sell the last of the donations. It will be held at 244 Maple in Greenfield Park. Feel Free to stop by and show your support. We may even bring some special guests ;)
Here are some pictures from last week's garage sale. The first one is Samantha (co-founder of Eat Play Love Animal Rescue) and our neighbors beautiful Golden Retriever, Max. The second is me (Emily) and Sam, the two co-founders of the rescue. And last but not least the clean-up crew (you can see we're all drenched), me, Kelly, Jon(my boyfriend), Sam, Laura(my mom) and Rob(my dad). Thank you to everyone who helped out on Saturday, we couldn't have done it without you!
More to come soon and hope to see you all there Saturday,
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