Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Endings!

Hello everyone!

It has been such a long time since I have written a blog that I have some GREAT news to share with you all! Remember the cutie little puppies I posted about last time? Well... they are ALL ADOPTED!! I am so excited to announce:

Lea, now Bella, is living with a wonderful family on a farm where she will be able to expend all her energy by running around.

Yoda was adopted by a fellow rescuer and has also moved to the country. He will be meeting lots of new dogs and maybe even a few horses.

Luke was adopted by a family who we are sure is going to love him endlessly. The entire family was head over heals for this little guy as soon as they met him.

 Obie, now Cosmo, was welcomed into his new forever home with open arms. He is going to go to work at a grooming salon everyday with his new mom! He will also have lots of brothers and sisters including ferrets and a doggy brother!

Anikan, now Duke, has gone to a family who were anxiously awaiting his arrival. They all love him very much, and his new favorite activity is playing fetch with his new (human) brother!

Jaba has joined his new family who adore him very much. When he went home he had a coat, a pair of boots and his very own bed awaiting him. He also has a new big poodle brother to play with. We know he will be very loved in his new home!

We are so happy we had the opportunity to give Abby a safe place to birth her six puppies instead of on the side of the road. And we are happy to say that Abby will also be going to her new home in Ottawa next week! She will be greatly missed by her foster family and especially by her foster brother Winston whom she played with a great deal. But we are all so happy that she has finally found her forever home.

Until next time,



Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bring on the pee pads!

Hello everyone!

So sorry for my long leave of absence once again, but midterms were calling. I have some very exciting news for you all! My house has been completely taken over by squirming, stumbling, PUPPIES. Yes, I said puppies. I'm sure for most of you, having a house-full of three week old poop machines is your worst nightmare. Thankfully, I'm a little odd, and look past all the pee pads and stinky blankets, and am completely excited about the experience.

Beautiful Abby was brought to us about a month and a half ago. A wonderful woman, Roxanne, found her on the side of a country road. She had been left there all day long and as no one seemed to be coming for her, Roxanne took her home. Not long after did Abby's belly start growing in size, and that is when Abby made her way to Eat Play Love Animal Rescue. Our most recent foster dog had just found her forever home so we had a free spot in our home... Okay maybe there wasn't really a FREE spot in our home (which is now more like a zoo) .. but there was a spot in our hearts. Abby arrived a day or two later. Our first encounter was a little emotional, she was completely starved for attention. No matter who you are, Abby will trot right up to you with a big smile on her face (actually, her lips pull back!) and smother you with love and demand the same. I have never met such a cuddly and loving dog. It is sad to think what life she must of had before being dumped on the side of the road. Although her reaction with humans was fabulous, her first meeting with our other four legged residents was not so warm and fuzzy. We have a 9 month old pitbull puppy who loves to get into everyone's personal space. Abby was quick to respond, but did nothing other than tell him off. She was also having some issues when treats or bones were around, she would growl making sure everyone knew they belonged to her. But I'm SO happy to say, that Winston, our pitt puppy has been up in her face and trying to play, and she does nothing more than give him a blank stare. Although the other day I was sure I saw her with her paws out on the floor and her bum high up in the air attempting to play. I also caught Winston and Abby eating out of the same bowl! What a major improvement on her part. It has taken some time, but she is really starting to become part of the pack.

Moving on to the part I'm sure you've all been waiting for: PUPPIES.

Although, we were pretty sure Abby was pregnant, we had our doubts. Everywhere we read online was saying it could just be a hormonal pregnancy. Although, her swollen abdomen told no lies, not two weeks after having her in our home, we came home to Abby in labor. Two puppies had been born! We waited with her silently for another hour and a half and nothing had changed. We assumed she was no longer in labour and left for an appointment. When we returned, another two puppies had been born. I rushed upstairs to get her water (which she received so graciously) and by the time I was back another pup had been born. I actually got to view the birth of Luke, which was both nerve wracking and exciting. It was all over and done with in about five hours. By 9pm everything seemed to have calmed down and we all went to bed. Sadly, the next morning we found a seventh puppy, a still born. Spotted black and white similar to Luke.  Something interesting that we had noticed though, was that Abby have birth in colour coordination. First to come out was the three black puppies, then the two white puppies and then the two black and white puppies. Weird eh?

Anyways, here are the puppies!

This is little Obie, he is so sweet and loves to explore!

This is Lea, she is the only female of the litter.

This is Jabba, he is the smallest pup of the litter. He is also one of the calmest of the bunch.

This is Anakin, he is so cuddly and whenever i pick him up he fall asleep on my lap! He looks like a little polar bear!

This is Yoda! He has the softest coat (in my opinion!) and has little beige ears!

This is Luke! He has the most personality of the bunch and is the most vocal. He was also the first of the bunch to walk!

Please pass the word around that these puppies and Abby need great homes!

Have a pawsitively awesome weekend!



Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Am an Animal Rescuer

A poem that touched our hearts...

I Am an Animal Rescuer
My job is to assist God's creatures
I was born with the need to fulfill their needs
I take in new family members without plan, thought, or selection
I have bought dog food with my last dime
I have patted a mangy head with a bare hand
I have hugged someone vicious and afraid
I have fallen in love a thousand times
and I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body

I have Animal Friends and friends who have animal friends
I don't often use the word "pet"
I notice those lost at the road side
And my heart aches
I will hand raise a field mouse
And make friends with a vulture
I know of no creature unworthy of my time

I want to live forever if there aren't animals in Heaven
But I believe there are
Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind
We may be master of the animals,
But the animals have mastered themselves
Something people still haven't learned

War and Abuse makes me hurt for the world
But a rescue that makes the news gives me hope for mankind
We are a quiet but determined army
And making a difference ever day

There is nothing more necessary than warming an orphan
nothing more rewarding than saving a life
No higher recognition than watching them thrive
There is no greater joy than seeing a baby play
who only days ago, was too weak to eat

I am an Animal Rescuer
My work is never done,
My home is never quiet
My wallet is always empty
But my heart is always full 

Annette King-Tucker

Hellos and Goodbyes.

Hi Everyone!

As some of you may know, from one of my earlier blogs, I have fostered quite a bit. Every time I have to say goodbye to my foster, I tell myself the next time will get easier. After a good sob and some logic thinking, I can usually convince myself they have gone to a great home (which they do!), and I can keep fostering. After our last foster, Miley, who found a fantastic home with a young girl who loves her to bits, I was a little shaken... What else is new? I told myself I would no longer be fostering because it was too difficult to say goodbye. How selfish is that? I am going to deprive an animal in need of a warm, safe place just because it's hard to say goodbye? What was I thinking?... Yes, it breaks my heart every time I see a dog go... but why? I usually convince myself its because whatever animal has come into my life MUST have gotten attached to me, and it would be cruel to sabotage their new found trust. To my surprise, this is not the case. Miley and many of my other foster dogs LOVE people in general, and were happy to go home with whomever showed them kindness and love. No matter how bad they had been hurt in the past, they were willing to trust. This is what makes fostering so rewarding, giving this one animal a chance at seeing mankind as good and trustworthy once again.

... And I came to this conclusion just in time. That same day, we received a call from a someone in Trois Riviere (Who generously takes in stray animals), who had a dog to give us. We were told the dog's name was Abby, and that she was most likely pregnant. All of our fosters had their hands full and we had no one stepping up to take her. Can you guess where she is right now? Yep, lying on her bed right beside mine. What can I say? I am an animal lover... Abby is so sweet and is getting into our pack's routine quickly. As far as her pregnancy, it seems she is about a month along. Another month to go! We plan on getting her to the vet asap. As I get details I will share them all with you!

More to come!



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How YOU can Make a Difference!

Hi Everyone!

Firstly I'd like to announce that we will be attending The Beaconsfield Pet Fair this Saturday at Centennial Hall, and I'd like to invite you all to come out! There will be many other local rescues there as well as pet boutiques, photographers and more. This will be our first year attending the fair but we have heard great things about it, so let's all get ready to have lots of fun! I'd also just like to give a big thank you to Hilarie for inviting us!

I've had a few people ask me what they can do for animals. I know it isn't possible for everyone to be directly involved in rescuing (ie. fostering, adopting, rescuing or transporting), but I do have some simple every day tips that will help you help out the animals.

1) SAVE THE PLANET! This may not occur to everyone as something that directly impacts animals, but it will one day affect us all.
- COMPOST: rather than filling landfills with fruits, veggies etc. , throw them into a compost. Fruits and veggies come from the ground right? So why not put them back there? Your garden will thank you later for the delicious source of nutrients these foods will bring them.
-LOCAL FOOD: Choose local food. Not only will you be supporting your community, you will also be getting fresher foods and know that you are cutting down on transport which means cutting down on pollution!
-GO EUROPEAN: The Europeans are famously known for their discretion towards water use. Save the water you've used for rinsing things (NO SOAP) in a container in the kitchen. At the end of the day use this to water your plants! Another great thing European's do to cut their water consumption is they turn shower water off while they wash their hair and body and only turn it back on when they're ready to rinse.
-BUY ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS:  self explanatory!

2) VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY! The only way we seem to be heard is through our money, so use it consciously to support what you believe in.
-CUT DOWN ON MEAT/POULTRY/DAIRY CONSUMPTION: Less of a demand means stores will order less which means less animals inpacted
-BUY ORGANIC AND FREE RANGE MEAT/POULTRY/DAIRY: If you decide that you will continue to eat these things, buying organic/ free range/ cage free/ vegetarian diet products ensures the animals have a better quality of life. (ie chicken's beaks won't be cut off and have a tube stuck down their throat to ensure they become plump. They also won't be stuffed into cages where many of them would otherwise suffocate to death because of the inhumane amounts of other chickens stuffed in there with them.)
-GO VEGETARIAN/VEGAN: If you think this is a possibility one day a week, two days a week, or every day of the week, you're making a difference none the less. By eating a plant based diet not only will you see health benefits, but you will realize you will be walking around with more $$ in your pocket. ( On a side note, feeding one meat/dairy cow uses up a lot more grain (and $$) than what you are really getting out of the cow as meat or dairy.)

Not only will these simple tips help the animals, but they will make you feel great too.

More tips to come!



Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Residents in my Garage!

Hi Everyone!

As I said in my last post, we have tons of cats needing homes. So many in fact that we've had to shuffle cats and kittens around foster homes to make room for others. So the kittens and mama cat that have been living in my garage for the last weeks have finally been moved to their permanent foster home (Thanks Melissa)! New residents have made my garage their home, I'd like to introduce Roscoe and Sasha.

As I write this I am sitting on one of their cat beds in the garage. Roscoe has been inching towards me every time I look down to type something. He is shy, but I can tell he is dying for affection. He is sitting so proudly watching me type, his tail wrapped around his large body. He is so handsome, I can't wait for someone to meet him and fall in love with his charm and looks!

Sasha on the other hand, has clung to me since she got here. She is ultra affectionate.  At the moment she is climbing all over me and my laptop (it almost seems she's trying to see what I'm saying about her on here! haha). She is constantly purring and always looking for affection. I have no doubt someone will meet her and instantly fall in love!

My only concern for these two cats is with so many kittens in the rescue, the full grown cats are overshadowed =( . Although these cats are both under a year old, a tiny kitten that can fit in the palm of your hand often wins over an adopters heart. And although I am very happy when a kitten gets adopted, I will be thrilled when someone opens up their heart and home to these two full grown cats. So please spread the word about these two wonderful feline companions, because they deserve a home! They are both sterilized, have received their vaccinations and have had a flea treatment.  What more can you ask for in a cat? :)

Thank you for passing the word on,



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's raining cats!

Hi Everyone!

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for my lengthy absence. I do often have ideas for blogging throughout my daily routines, however, when it comes down to sitting down and typing it all up.... that is where the idea ends.

The rescue on the other hand, is blossoming!.... into a cat rescue that is. When Samantha and I first decided to start our own rescue we had agreed we would stick to dogs. Somewhere down the road something must have changed because at the moment we have exactly sixteen cats looking for a home and... 4 dogs. Why so many cats you may ask? I think this explains it perfectly:

I can't stress this enough: Please Spay and Neuter your pets!!! If you're going to have an outdoor cat, there is no way of explaining an intact animal. By doing so, you are producing hundreds of kittens destined to a life outdoors (that is if they even make it past a few months of age). Cats frozen to death, turned into roadkill, catching preventable viruses or gassed to death is exactly what you are contributing to the world if you don't spay and neuter your pets.

An indoor cat SHOULD also be sterilized. How many indoor cats escape every year? Even if it is just for an afternoon, or one night. An unsterilized indoor cat CAN and WILL mate if given the opportunity. So PLEASE for the love of animals, sterilize your cats!

Here are some kittens who got lucky and were picked up by kind people and brought into our rescue.

Unfortunately, these are only a few of the cats/kittens we have in our rescue at the moment. Please share these pictures and information as much as possible so we can get these cats great homes!

More to come,

