Hello everyone!
So sorry for my long leave of absence once again, but midterms were calling. I have some very exciting news for you all! My house has been completely taken over by squirming, stumbling, PUPPIES. Yes, I said puppies. I'm sure for most of you, having a house-full of three week old poop machines is your worst nightmare. Thankfully, I'm a little odd, and look past all the pee pads and stinky blankets, and am completely excited about the experience.

Beautiful Abby was brought to us about a month and a half ago. A wonderful woman, Roxanne, found her on the side of a country road. She had been left there all day long and as no one seemed to be coming for her, Roxanne took her home. Not long after did Abby's belly start growing in size, and that is when Abby made her way to Eat Play Love Animal Rescue. Our most recent foster dog had just found her forever home so we had a free spot in our home... Okay maybe there wasn't really a FREE spot in our home (which is now more like a zoo) .. but there was a spot in our hearts. Abby arrived a day or two later. Our first encounter was a little emotional, she was completely starved for attention. No matter who you are, Abby will trot right up to you with a big smile on her face (actually, her lips pull back!) and smother you with love and demand the same. I have never met such a cuddly and loving dog. It is sad to think what life she must of had before being dumped on the side of the road. Although her reaction with humans was fabulous, her first meeting with our other four legged residents was not so warm and fuzzy. We have a 9 month old pitbull puppy who loves to get into everyone's personal space. Abby was quick to respond, but did nothing other than tell him off. She was also having some issues when treats or bones were around, she would growl making sure everyone knew they belonged to her. But I'm SO happy to say, that Winston, our pitt puppy has been up in her face and trying to play, and she does nothing more than give him a blank stare. Although the other day I was sure I saw her with her paws out on the floor and her bum high up in the air attempting to play. I also caught Winston and Abby eating out of the same bowl! What a major improvement on her part. It has taken some time, but she is really starting to become part of the pack.
Moving on to the part I'm sure you've all been waiting for: PUPPIES.
Although, we were pretty sure Abby was pregnant, we had our doubts. Everywhere we read online was saying it could just be a hormonal pregnancy. Although, her swollen abdomen told no lies, not two weeks after having her in our home, we came home to Abby in labor. Two puppies had been born! We waited with her silently for another hour and a half and nothing had changed. We assumed she was no longer in labour and left for an appointment. When we returned, another two puppies had been born. I rushed upstairs to get her water (which she received so graciously) and by the time I was back another pup had been born. I actually got to view the birth of Luke, which was both nerve wracking and exciting. It was all over and done with in about five hours. By 9pm everything seemed to have calmed down and we all went to bed. Sadly, the next morning we found a seventh puppy, a still born. Spotted black and white similar to Luke. Something interesting that we had noticed though, was that Abby have birth in colour coordination. First to come out was the three black puppies, then the two white puppies and then the two black and white puppies. Weird eh?
Anyways, here are the puppies!
This is little Obie, he is so sweet and loves to explore!
This is Lea, she is the only female of the litter.
This is Jabba, he is the smallest pup of the litter. He is also one of the calmest of the bunch.
This is Anakin, he is so cuddly and whenever i pick him up he fall asleep on my lap! He looks like a little polar bear!
This is Yoda! He has the softest coat (in my opinion!) and has little beige ears!
This is Luke! He has the most personality of the bunch and is the most vocal. He was also the first of the bunch to walk!
Please pass the word around that these puppies and Abby need great homes!
Have a pawsitively awesome weekend!